lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


I would like to go to The Netherlands, because it is a free country where people can be who they want to be as a person in differents aspects of life, and the culture and food tipical in The Netherlands are so rich that make me want to go even more, also I have a friend I want to see so badly because We don´t see each other about three years ago and she lives there.

Resultado de imagen para the netherlands
I know that is a country with a low rate of crimes, in fact The Netherlands don´t even need the prision, the education and cuality of citizens in The Netherlands are in another level, they are one thousan steps more forward than what the latinamerican people dream about what it means to be a free and respectful country with the others in terms of the cuality as a human being.

I would like to impulse my career there, work as a professional sociologist in areas like the gender and education focus in the youngest population, in that way i can be able to investigate the kind of social problematics that appear in tthat country.

Resultado de imagen para the netherlandsLike a said before I would like to work there but also study and live the rest of my life on that beautiful country, about the study i would like to go on the psychology area to really get to the people around me about how are they feeling, what are they thinking, and be more able to help the people around me, and like I said I would love to spend rthe rest of my life around this kind of country and this kind of person, for the way that they think.

10 comentarios:

  1. I didn´t know you like psicology, maybe we could study it together 1313

  2. OMG i love this blog, i wolud like to meet you.

  3. You have to visit your friend!!! I think she miss you a lot

  4. I want to study more about education and social problematics too but in Brazil and I never thought in Netherlands. I am going to look more information about this. Thank you Gabo, love you!

  5. If you make a life in The Netherlands I will visit you!

  6. you know that more than a quarter of the Netherlands is below sea level?

  7. I think that everyone would like to live in Netherlands but saddly we are in Chile :(

  8. YAAAS i like that place a lot! I´d a lot to live in there


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