lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

Field Hockey

When I was eleven years old I remembered there I have moved from Mejillones to Antofagasta with my old sister and my little brother, because my parents were fighting our custody in the judgements of family, so in that moment my mother won our custody and we moved as I said before to Antofagasta.
When we get to Antofagasta to start a new life with my mother, all became really hard for us, because we needed to make new friends, start in a new school, and fit in the lifestyle of the "antofagastinos". It was in 2011 when I decided to play basketball in the school to find any chance to make friends, because I was really shy and scared of try to fit with my schoolmates, but I didn´t continue with basketball because it wasn´t really my thing.
When I met my first friend at school she showed me the field hockey academy at school, and it was a suprise that she have been playing field hockey since the 8 years of age, so she encouraged me to give it a try and I agreed.
Since that moment I have been playing field hockey until now, I think like 7 years almost, and I have to say that it is the most amazing thing that could ever happened to me, I was able to really dedicate my all life to this sport and carry on with pride the meaning of being a field hockey player from Antofagasta, I was even able to play for the Chilean National hockey team in 2015. Saddly I wasn´t able to continue playing por the national team, because I didn´t have the economic resources to pay every ticket to fly to Santiago every month, or to pay a tour to Europe or USA, so I was disappointed and frustrated to see my dream over.
After my expierence with the national team, I have continued practicing to get better and stronger as a player, I even have tryed to play Rugby like 8 months in 2017, but I left it because I was injured. When I recovered from my knee I have decided to never give up and wait for the PSU results, because I wanted so bad to study in the university of Chile and live in Santiago, and also I wanted to continue my dreams as a professional player. Nowdays I live in Santiago and it is my second year here, I´m playing field hockey in the "Prince of wales country club", right now I´m not good enough to be again in the national team, but maybe if I work really hard they will considere to call me in the future to being part of the team again. So I have a lot of work to do to earn my spot in the team.

4 comentarios:

  1. I think and I believe that you are going to be in a national team!

  2. Playing field hockey sounds very entertaining! You are very talented and the photos are very cool :D
    Good Blog!

  3. You are very talented and committed with your hockey team!

  4. You encourage me to be better! please keep doing your thing


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