lunes, 3 de junio de 2019


What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I think that the legalizing abortion in some cases can be good in some aspects and wrong in others, specially in Chile, because:
In the fisrt case can be really helpfull having a legalizing of the abortion in some cases, because it's a real and better option for the female that want to abort, it´s more safe, healthy and more secure for women´s integrity.
How ever, in the other cases of this legalizing can be bad at the moment of being legal, because it can possibly be an option for some kind of womens and also be limited as well, I think the abortion must be an special and unique cuality in womens, and be a free choice with no limits for what females want to do with her bodys and life. 

What is your opinion about tattoos?
I think, as a person who have tattoos, that the tattoos are an artistic expression of every human being. I mean, the persons that put color inside their bodys do that with conviction, and also because it means something to them in their lifes, a lot of the thattoos there I have, not contents any meaning at all yet, but I think that is not necesary have a real propose to have one, I´m the kind of persons who think that you can find a special meaning in the future, troughlife you can find one.

What is your opinion about child labor?
First of all I think that everyone are agree that the child labor is not good, is a really cruelty way to explot the childrens in the industry, the childs needs to have an education and an infant, they are only childs so they not deserve to be forzed doing that kind of things. I think that in the society we lives is really common hear about cases like that, and also temp to ignore it, but all of us are agree that this can not be aloud at all, we as persons , as humans, deserve a real and nice chilhood and life, we have to respect each others lifes so we needs to safe the childrens

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

I thin that they are really beautiful animals and really cute, but this still being a really bad practice of animal cruelty.
I think that the animals deserves freedom in every term, and is worst in exotic pets , because everyone want to buy one, the are really unique and that is the thing, the indsutry forzed the animals to live their enviorment as really young babys, putting them away from their family and habitat, and also making with them experiments to change their appearence and make them more cute and exotic, and I think that´s the kind of thing there I more hate, use an animal to earn thousans of money taking away their lifes and making them so sad and unhappy.

2 comentarios:

  1. Owning exotic pets is a very irresponsable act!!! agree with you my friend

  2. Child labor is really sad, but its happening right now in our country, I hate Chile!


Engish language challenges

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