lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

My future job Sociology

Resultado de imagen para sociologyThe job there I dreamed of is the one related to others, the kind of job that aloud me to build a better society starting by understand the others, the way that the people make relations and how this thousans of relationships conforms the structure of the thing that we call a "society" or a "comunnity".

I would like to work as a sociologyst outdoors, beacuse that's the way that I can know the social problematics reality, being part of the problem and to not be away from it, because we don't know what happen with a social phenomenon until we go in person to know it and understand it.

If you ask me if a want to travel a lot maybe I would say yes and no. Yes, because I want to get more expierence of the other parts of the world, meet other people and see the dynamics of others societys in terms of organization and interactions. And no, because I really want to make a change in Chile as a sociologyst, and if a want to make a real change for good I need to stay in the country and see with my own eyes the social problems, as a said before I need to be part of it instead of away of it.

Resultado de imagen para sociologyIn terms of the salary that I want to earn, for me the money never was a excuse to not make my dreams come true, so I'm not an ambicious person, I would like to earn enough to live good and make my goals a reality, but if it not the case I'm going to fight more harder to make sure that I'm not leaving nothing behind or incomplete.

The major there I'm studying is Sociology and I'm not thinking to change it, because I think is one of the most unexpectable and amazing things that ever happens to me, I think after finishing my major I would like to take a course in "gender" related to education, because I think that the structure of gender is the base of everything and is in the school where you conffirm every knowledge about it and reproduce it in the society.

6 comentarios:

  1. Beeing a sociologyst who make his work being part of the social process is amazing. Love you my friend, you're so greaaat!

  2. I'm studying sociology too, I think that salary is not an importat thing when you love what you do. I'm with you my friend, love you

  3. Money is the only way to happiness, I hope you stop being a communist and start to think right! Shame on you!

  4. Sociology? I have listened very bad things about that carreer.


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