lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande is an actual pop star icon, very famous actually for her music, and also knows in the past for being part of the cast of Victorius and Sam & Cat show at Nickelodeon.

Resultado de imagen para ariana grande manchesterThe first time there I heard about her music was when I was fourteen years old, I was watching the bma's and she sang one of her best hits in that moment named 'problem', I remembered that day always because I almost feel like Ariana Grande helped me grow in my puberty with the lyrics of her songs and with her carisma, so it was like I can relate to what she was trying to transmit trough singing and her personal story and qualities.

Resultado de imagen para ariana grandeInstead of how and when a knew Ariana Grande it was impossible not to felt in love with her music, and the reason of why I ended up liking her music is simple, she can sing very high and imposible notes and most of the songs that she sang contents lyrics full of love, drama, sadness and joy, qualities of pop music that makes me feel alive. Ariana Grande also is very beautilful, she is geourgus, she is just like me, I feel like we are twins but I'm the only person that knows that, she don´t have to know it yet.

What else can I say about this incredible woman?. She is such a good person that support the LGBTQ community, and also helped with the broken heart to the people murder and hurt by the attempt in her concert  in Manchester, that was a shame because she did a concert to benefit the familys of the persons affected by that attempt. The inspiring message of all of it was "one love"  and I cried when she sang her song 'one last time' because everybody knows that it is a sad song inspired by all the love that we want to give to a special person one last time, so is a very deep song that touch the heart of a whole nation and even me as a person and fan of her.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My dog "Coraje" <3

Troughout of my life I've a lot of pets, but one of the most important pet that I have ever had is my baby Coraje. He is one of the best if not the best dog in the world, he is mi partner, my friend and most important, he is my family and my everything.

We found coraje in the center comercial of Antofagasta inside a box whit a lot of puppies, he was so tiny and it looked like he had been born two weeks earlier, but he was starving and sick so we decided to take him to our home and go to the vet because he looked like he was going to die. After taking Coraje to the vet he started to recovered and grow like a normal dog, he wasn´t homeless anymore because he decided not to die that day, instead of he started a new life with his new family.

Nowdays Coraje is 2 years of age, he lives in Antofagasta taking care of my mother for me, he seems so happy with us being part like a member of our family. He is our protector, even if he is a coward or he always be afraid of cars, cats, and everything unkown for him he is the best thing that have ever had happens to us, he is my hero and it´s make me so emotional right now writting about him because I miss my baby coraje every single day and I can not wait to go to Antofagasta to give him a huge hug and a walk, because he love that. Love u bb Coraje.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

My holidays in the south of Chile:

It was in the summer of 2012 when my family and I decided to think what we wanted to do for the holidays as a family in our first trip together, the things that excited us to planned these holidays were that we wanted to meet our family in Concepción, Tomé, Chiloé, and the house in the country side of Pitrufquen that belongs to our aunty Cecilia, and mostly be able to know the south of Chile because we are from the north, particularly from Antofagasta.

Resultado de imagen para chiloe The journey started in January of 2012 and ended in Febraury the same year, it was like a month of tripping around the places there I said before with my family. My father, his sister, my older sister and my little brother, were the persons with whom I traveled a lot.

One of the best memories there I´ve ever had of these holidays is when we were in the country side with our aunty Cecilia and we played a lot with the animals there and feed them to, so instead of the games we also had responsabilities with the duties on the farm, also I loved when we went to Chiloé crossing the sea on a ship, because there were penguins and dolphins next to the ship swimming and it seemed like they were saying hi! to us, it was lovely.

These holidays became the best ones of my life, because it was the first and the last time that we traveled and visited our family together and for me as a child at that moment with 11 years old was a big thing, and now I hope to repeat this experience with the ones I love.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


I would like to go to The Netherlands, because it is a free country where people can be who they want to be as a person in differents aspects of life, and the culture and food tipical in The Netherlands are so rich that make me want to go even more, also I have a friend I want to see so badly because We don´t see each other about three years ago and she lives there.

Resultado de imagen para the netherlands
I know that is a country with a low rate of crimes, in fact The Netherlands don´t even need the prision, the education and cuality of citizens in The Netherlands are in another level, they are one thousan steps more forward than what the latinamerican people dream about what it means to be a free and respectful country with the others in terms of the cuality as a human being.

I would like to impulse my career there, work as a professional sociologist in areas like the gender and education focus in the youngest population, in that way i can be able to investigate the kind of social problematics that appear in tthat country.

Resultado de imagen para the netherlandsLike a said before I would like to work there but also study and live the rest of my life on that beautiful country, about the study i would like to go on the psychology area to really get to the people around me about how are they feeling, what are they thinking, and be more able to help the people around me, and like I said I would love to spend rthe rest of my life around this kind of country and this kind of person, for the way that they think.

Engish language challenges

When I was younger I had the opportunity to participate at school in many contestants and tournaments about English, so I can say that I hav...